Prep Info and Aftercare


(please read FAQ for all info)


  • avoid alcohol or blood thinning medications for 48 hours prior to you appointment

  • avoid caffeine the morning of your appointment

  • avoid heavy exercise the morning of your appointment

  • know that I can not tattoo sunburned or open skin

  • 72 hours before appointment avoid brow waxing/threading/tinting

    2 weeks before appointment NO botox/fillers/peels/needling/invasive skin care treatments of any kind/retinols/tanning beds

  • know that you will be laying down for the majority of the service time - you must be able to lay still for 2.5 to 4 hours

  • wear comfy clothes and bring your own ear buds if you want. I am not able to talk during the actual tattoo portion of our appointment… this is a great time for you to catch up on that book or podcast!

  • if you are used to having your brows filled in with makeup.. PLEASE come to your appointment the way you usually have them. This way I can really see what you’re used to.. and what you like or don’t like.

  • Remember the healing process is a proocceessss….. your new brows will be BOLD for the first few days, then get a little flakey and dry feeling, then look super light for a while, and then they come back. The whole healing can take up to 14 days for some clients. Just remember.. I got you. I’m also invested in your beautiful face. But great brows take time to build. Don’t book your brows if your bestie is getting married this weekend or you have a scuba trip planned…. :)

  • know that I will advise you of what PMU brow technique is best suited for you and your skin type regardless of what service you sign up for. I will not offer you a service if I feel your skin is not ideal for that particular one or if I feel we will not reach your expectations through that service. This is mostly common with clients who want microblading only. The most common issue is mature or thinning skin. I will not microblade this type of skin as it will NOT give the best results. For this skin type the nano and powder brow technique is best as it is less traumatizing to the skin

  • please come to your appointment alone

  • please reserve at least a 3.5 hour time period for any brow service. Even longer if we are doing nano brows. Here’s the deal.. I don’t rush a face. I will take up our entire appointment time to make sure your brows are on point. I will run over our appointment time and make myself late for my next appointment if I feel I need to. I do not rush tattooing your face. So please, do not rush me to get you in and out quickly.

Aftercare for any pmu service

Day 1 of your aftercare is the most high maintenance day. I will give you ALL products you need to take care of your new browsies over the next 10 days. Your commitment to the aftercare process is vital in the healing process and retention of your brows.

Immediately following the service you will start wiping your brows hourly with the provided pads. This will help to remove any lymph, pinpoint bleeding or pigment that your body is already purging as it begins to heal. Plus your brows will be a little sore, we just tattooed them… the cool, wet pads are a nice relief. So for example… if our service ends at 12:30pm, by 1pm you will wipe the each brow down (should take about 6 seconds) then at 2pm do it again, then 3pm, then 4pm….. and so on :)

  • GENTLY wash the brows AM and PM for the next 9 days after the service using the provided tattoo soap. I ask my clients to use the sink (NOT shower) to care for the brows. This way you do not have water flowing over your face and can use a cooler water temperature as well.

  • With clean hands, wash your face first (avoiding your new brows.. IF you’re a face washer.. no judgement here.. :) ) with your normal cleanser that way the brows are the last thing to be cleaned.

  • Give your soap dispenser a good shake each time before you use it and pump a couple pumps of soap onto your fingertips. Gently apply the suds onto the brows In the direction of your hair growth and lightly cleanse - do NOT scrub in.

  • Gently splash water from the sink up onto your face to rinse allll the suds away (you will make a mess… that’s ok… it’s for the love of brows :)

  • Get those brows super dry!! I recommend taking a clean hand towel to towel off your face (minus the brows) and use a tissue, paper towel, cotton round or something else disposable and absorbent to pat down your brows until they are completely dry. Some clients opt to use a blow dryer on the cool setting. They MUST be dry before applying the healing balm

  • Apply a grain of rice amount of balm (for BOTH brows - 1 grain of rice for both brows total) with a clean fingertip in the direction of the hair growth. DO NOT over use the balm. A small amount is plenty.


  • DO NOT PICK THEM.. for the love of brows PLEASE do not pick them.

  • Do not scratch them. They can get itchy as they are healing… you can slap them with a clean hand but don’t get in there and scratch them :)

  • NO excess sweating for 10 days. This is very important… excess sweating can alter the healed color result of your new brows. You can’t get your brows done and go run up Saddle Mountain… sorry girl

  • NO saunas

  • NO WATER!!!! Ok ok.. I know you will be getting them wet twice a day while cleaning… BUT that’s it. That means no face first in the shower for 10 days, no swimming, no snorkeling, no bobbing for apples. Let those babies heal properly and do not get them too wet!!m( I always provide disposable face shields in your aftercare kit to help)

  • NO makeup, lotion, cleansers or anything else besides what I provide in the aftercare for the next 10 days.

  • NO direct sun exposure

  • Always avoid anti-aging products on the brows. This will encourage them to fade quicker.

Remember that even though this is a cosmetic tattoo.. I will always be coming from a place of wound care. We purposely cut your skin to create this art… you MUST follow the aftercare and keep them clean! On that note… please see a doctor at the first sign of infection and notify me immediately.
